Friday 12 December 2008

Unproductive Day and Twilight Rant!!

Well I had my alarm clock set for 7.30 am with the intention of going into work, but as im technically still on holiday, I thought what the hell, I'd rather stay home and watch the entire season 1 of True Blood!

Now I know the US has already seen the entire season but I did some research and found that the UK airdate is set for Summer 2009!! I cant wait any longer so im watching it now!

I managed to finish Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer last night, and I have to say I'm getting a tiny bit ticked off with Bella. Particularly her whole reaction to Edward proposing and her decision to be a vampire. I'm at the point where I just want them to get it other with.

I also read an article about the author being a Mormon, and now I cant help but see the influence that has had on the book. Especially regarding the no sex before marriage, at first it was exciting the whole will they, wont they thing. Now its just plain annoying! I know this book is aimed at late-teens but I think the author also needs to be realistic.

Also don't get me started on the whole Jacob/Edward thing! I wish the girl would just make up her damn mind!! AHHHH!

Right... rant over... sorry.

So today I'm also going to try and read a big chunk of Breaking Dawn, purely because I have a busy schedule over the weekend. On a good note (and much to the annoyance of my wonderful bf) I have managed to book Friday off work to see the Twilight Movie. I just hope they have a late night over 18s viewing, I really dont want to be stuck in the cinema with a bunch of tweens.

I'll post a review of the film as soon as I've seen it. And hopefully later I'll post my review for New Moon and Eclipse.

Thursday 11 December 2008

My HUGE Reading List

So since starting Twilight, I feel like a teenager again, but with less energy maybe :-)

What I mean is that during my mid-teens I was seriously obsessed with Buffy and Angel to the point where every spare minute would be filled with either watching Buffy/Angel or reading the books or just simply gazing at my David Boreanaz calendar longingly and hoping that he would appear at my bedroom window one day. So now I seem to have re-kindled this vampire obsession with the same compulsive behaviour.

I think my boyfriend is thoroughly ticked off by only watching the following programmes

  • Moonlight
  • Blood Ties
  • True Blood
And also by my circling the 19th Dec on the calendar in the kitchen as the release date for the Twilight movie. And finally I really annoy him by insisting on reading my copy of Eclipse at any opportunity, including in bed...wink wink and whilst cooking AND whilst he's trying to have a conversation with me. He calls it rude, I call it necessary.

Anyway, now I've managed to build quite a long list of books on my amazon wish list - 367 to be exact. Not sure if I'm going to be able to get through them all in my life time but im going to try.

So on my shopping list this week is:

The Sookie Stackhouse Vampire Mystery Series

I already have the first two:
  1. Dead Until Dark
  2. Living Dead in Dallas
And this morning I orderd the third because it was so cheap - £3.25 about $4.80 (gosh, I cant believe how bad the dollar/pound exchange rate is at the moment!!)

So hopefully I'll have that series finished by end of January and then I'll be moving on to JR Ward.

Review: Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

Like I said before, I'm fairly new to this genre so my current reading history is fairly limited, I hope to change that over the next few months.

So I began reading the Twilight series at the end of October and I havn't stopped since. I'm currently two thirds of the way through eclipse (3rd book) and I hope to finish that today and then I will begin Breaking Dawn tomorrow.

So here is my review for Twilight...

Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series is aimed and marketed for teenage girls, but please don't let that put you off. I was lucky enough to be completely oblivious to the hype of these books and the upcoming film, (not yet released here in the UK) which I am now very glad about. I began the book with no expectations and I have to say I was completely blown away.

Although I'm now 23 and very much past the naive passion associated with first love, I found myself being carried away back to the memories of young love. For me the romance is the biggest strength of the book, I allowed myself to feel like a 16-year old again. The book is written from the perspective of the leading female, Bella, who I found had many similarities to myself. I think this is another reason the book has been so popular with teenage girls. Bella is a plain Jane who has no desire to fall in love until she meets Edward. I think this is true for most girls, you don't understand or have any desire for love until you find it, and when you do it hits you like a ton of bricks.

Edward Cullen, the subject of Bella's desire is mysterious and good-looking and above all he is a perfect gentlemen. In the real world, most girls are just not destined to meet an Edward but this book allows you to escape to the world where he does exist. Another thing I enjoyed about this book is that the story is very much centered around Bella and Edward and there are no sub-plots at all which means everytime you pick up this book you are indulging in the forbidden and passionate love of Edward and Bella with enough action and tension to hold the interests of those readers who are not so romantically inclined.

The only downside to this book is that it ends. Luckily I had three more books to follow!

A New Beginning....

Hello! This is my first blog and I must say I'm very excited. I don't really expect anybody to read this, and if you are you probably about to stop now. Anyway, this blog is just a hobby and for my own entertainment so if you do actually enjoy reading this, good for you!!

So a bit about myself...

I'm 23, I live in London, England and I love love love books about vampires. I must admit this is a very recent obsession and like many people it was fired up by the Twilight books (which I still hav'nt finished). So basically this blog will mainly consist of reviews of the books I'm reading as well as any TV shows I'm currently watching.

Thank you for stopping by!